About Paktronix Systems
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It's not enough to go out and purchase a Firewall, WAF, or other security hardware and assume you are cyber secure. And if you just decide to purchase Cyber Insurance to cover your risk you will end up paying too much for worthless policies. You need to understand how Cyber Security and Risk Management fit into your business processes and your business needs. Then you can decide what hardware, software, and policies fit you and your requirements. That is where we can help. We specialize in understanding your unique risk profile so that we can guide you to a holistic solution that fits your business. And we can help you develop, implement, and use ongoing processes that integrate continuous management and mitigation of the risks facing you and your business.
The links to the left detail some of our more specific options. Download a PDF of our Risk Managment & Cyber Security offerings.
Ask for further information about how Paktronix Systems services can help you.
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Copyright © 1996 - 2016 Paktronix Systems, LLC Revised Feb 16, 2016